Monday, January 16, 2012

Subjective Day

Though this is my first personal blog, I am not entirely new to the concept. I previously wrote the "What's in Bloom" entries on the Greenway Blog (which it looks like at some point changed its name to "Life on the Greenway"). Anyway, this entailed me photographing plants in the park on a weekly basis and give a little bit of background on them to potential visitors.
After I left that job and moved from Boston this past summer, I realized I missed taking photos and trying to present why exactly I thought a certain plant was worthy of special attention, as well as some of the more basic botanical and horticultural concepts that can be explained as a result of that.

I view this as an opportunity to both show off some of the photos I'm more proud of as I gain more experience, as well as to do some in depth reading on plants I may not normally get the chance to cover in my studies. Plus as I'm now writing for myself rather than an institution, I can give these entries a bit more of a personal touch without worrying about veering too far off topic (also, I can receive questions and comments here).

The name of the blog comes from a term referring to the "light" portion of a circadian cycle... so basically the daytime, but more specifically when you trick a plant into thinking its daytime by exposing it to light. Pretentious as this may sound, its neither me copping out by using a derivation of my name or initials, nor going ultra-nerd by picking something latin, so I think I'm at least fairly happy with it for the time being. Also its vague enough that if I get the urge to talk about something non-botanical, I won't feel like I'm too off topic.

Alright, no need for a further introduction since i already have a post up, so I'll leave it at that.

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